
Showing posts with the label walks

Exploring Clay Country

What we refer to as 'clay country' in Cornwall is the rugged landscapes that sits above St Austell. A landscape that has been mined and carved since the early 18th century. The richness of this landscape was discovered by William Cookworthy, and the fine white china clay is still mined today. There's a hotchpotch of villages with tight-nit communities where rugged hills provide far-reaching views and dug out valleys provide pools of turquoise waters.  After a stunning drive through these villages on a sunny day I wanted to delve a little deeper into the history, and what you can do here. When we first moved to Cornwall over 20 years ago, my dad joked that the little clay mound seen from many vantage point was my mum's 'mountain'. She had always wanted to live near mountains, and it seemed finally she would be! This relatively little mound is part of the legacy of an industrial past, but it's the glistening water-filled pits that really catch the eye on a sun

Exploring Ethy Woods

Well May has been filled so far with pageantry and picnics but the weather has been rather hit and miss! The bank holiday just gone was a bit of a wash out, not to be discouraged, I took my mum to Ethy House in Lerryn to explore just the most beautiful bluebell woods.  Rarely open to the public, Ethy House is on the road between Lostwithiel and Lerryn and has views (on a non-mizzely day) to the rolling hills and valley below. My mum and I donned boots and cagoules and popped Bren the border terrier on his lead and set off. The house is Georgian and has an Italian feel with a romantic balcony and lovely vistas.  We wound our way through a little maze and entered Ethy Woods. What a sight! Bluebells as far as the eye could see. The scent hang in the air accompanied by bird song.  Rhododendron trees displayed their vivid colour, magnolias too, such stillness and delight everywhere you looked. We quietly explored disappearing into the mist, other people there but it was like we were in our

Snowdrop Walks at Pencarrow

Pencarrow's Snowdrop Weekend is such a happy fixture in the calendar. It marks the promise of spring and the soon to be end of winter. This year the event falls on the 11th and 12th of February with a suggestion of £5 per person supporting two great charities. The Pearl Exchange and CLEAR, both focussed on helping young people.  Great causes but also a beautiful place to explore. If you don't know Pencarrow House and Gardens , just outside Wadebridge, then you are missing out! This ancient house is still family owned by the Molesworth-St Aubyns and is a wonderful day out. The snowdrop weekend makes the most of the sprawling grounds and woodland, but I would encourage you to come back when the house if fully open to book a tour and see the layers of history in every room. The gardens are charming with grottos, and iron age fort and Italian styled vistas with a cafe that serves delicious light lunches and cakes. I just love the wondering peacocks showing off their plumage.   Dog

Winter Pub Walks in Cornwall

January is here and winter is in full swing. Coastal walks and village wanderings are perfectly fitting for this season, however I don't know about you but I require somewhere cosy to warm myself after too much fresh Cornish air. Although it's not the cold snap we were experiencing, still, here are a few of the best pubs in Cornwall to retreat to, when looking at the view is as welcome as walking in it. We do love a good pub in the UK don't we. From local ales to home cooked food (and gastro excellence more often than not). A favourite from my neck of the woods is the Rashleigh Inn at Polkerris beach. It has it all, that sea view, roaring fire and resident cat. You could walk from either direction, I often park up at Par beach and walk the short distance across the coastal path ending at the pub for a drink. Or go for the longer walk from Fowey (a fab little town whatever the season). But here are a few other favourites to enjoy at the end of a walk this January. Back in m

Lovely Lerryn

Autumn walks are what this season is all about! I recently with my mum, popped down the road to Lerryn as the last light was just fading. Such a calm and peaceful place, and one I always enjoy visiting. We just managed to grab an ice cream before the post office and shop closed (yes, I know, weird in winter but that's just how we roll!) We sat by the river watching the water sparkle in the golden light. We didn't have much time so we just wandered a little way by the bank of the river, pausing to watch the swans and to admire the boats.  Lerryn is the kind of place that feels like you are stepping into a story book, understandably though, as it is said to have inspired The Wind in the Willows stories as Kenneth Grahame holidayed here.  There are woodland walks on both sides of the river, and at low tide you can cross by the stepping stones. There is a small free carpark just by the green, a charming village school and a friendly pub. With a well kept public toilet and a beautif

Heritage Open Days

Our island nation is a rich hotch-potch of culture, history and heritage. There is so much to explore, especially in Cornwall. This September why not visit one of the county's Heritage Open Days , they are all free and there's lots of opportunity to get involved, running from the 9th - 18th September. Just a few of the places open to you this month are: Gribbin Daymark : This is an instantly recognisable landmark is in my neck of the woods that I love to spot on coastal walks or at the beaches along the south coast. Built in 1832, the views are worth the climb! The historic tower is open Sunday the 11th September, 11am - 5pm.  Godolphin : This house and gardens near Helston will be holding some specialist guided tours looking at Godolphin's mining history. The garden will also be free to enter between the 9th - 18th September.  Cypres Well : Up in Launceston you can visit the home of Cornish poet Charles Causley CBE, normally closed to the public but used for writers as a r

Autumnal Walks In Cornwall

October has definitely brought the cold! Our Indian summer is sadly over but this time of year holds it's own romance. With Covid restrictions still in place there's no reason why we can't still enjoy the great outdoors. If there is one thing 2020 has taught me then that's to be resourceful, and to make the most of what we have.  The fresh air provides an extra layer of safety when we are out with friends, keeping that 2 metre distance of course with those not in your household. I have to say woodland walks are some of my favourite.  Where I live we have lovely patches of woodland to explore but sometimes I like to go a little further afield. The likes of Bodmin's Cardinham Woods is always a favourite. You do need to pay for parking but the cafe serves warming drinks and tasty cakes, ideal after a bracing stroll. I still haven't explored all this wood has to offer yet but the views as you climb higher over the treetops are truly rewarding. Also in mid Cornwall

Keeping it Local

    Hello, it has been a little while since my last post so I thought I would show you some of beautiful things I've seen whilst on lockdown. Cornwall along with the rest of the country is respecting the stay at home advise because of COVID-19. We are being encouraged to stay home, and rightly so, which makes bringing you the beauty of this county far and wide not possible right now. Events, exhibitions and festivals may have been suspended but there is still plenty to revel in right on our doorsteps! Many businesses are still offering slightly tailored services or are available online so I would encourage you to support this beautiful place and its entrepreneurs where you can. I thought today I would share some pictures I've snapped on my daily exercise walks. I live in Lostwithiel and am blessed to have woodland right on my doorstep. Steep country lanes, farmland and forests, I have really enjoyed taking the time to explore what my corner of Cornwall