High Quality Webcams on West Country Rivers

Webcam of Fowey River at Twowatersfoot The cameras currently refresh at 1 frame every 10 seconds. Farson Digital hope to be getting a sponsorship deal with a major broadband supplier sorted out shortly, in order to allow the cameras to stream live. The cameras Farson Digital use last 10 years and are made by a German company. They are used in the Arctic and have no moving parts and never freeze (-30° to +60°C ) and being German, they just work. The Environment Agency also use them in the UK. It’s a great solid state, all weather, 3 mega pixel camera that just plugs into a broadband connection and will stream live images at 25fps (pal), which is currently way too much for most of the broadband packages we are hooked up to. Farson Digital have just signed a sponsorship deal with the West Country Rivers Trust, as they are very keen to promote West Country Fishing Tourism and see this as a great vehicle to do so. The Angling Trust, Salmon & Trout Association, Fishing Associations a...