Home Renovating

We have all spent a lot of time in homes of late, thanks to Corona virus and lockdown. For some that has been a welcome opportunity to be a bit of a recluse! Many of us have turned to home improvement, making the most of the space we have available. I felt particular blessed having a garden during that sunny spell we had in May. Now we can have work men and women in our homes and gardens again we are not constrained purely by DIY (thankfully!) My attempts were pretty basic but it didn't stop me dreaming, sketching ideas here and there. We have a wealth of artisans and crafts people in Cornwall who help bring our scribbled ideas to life. One Cornish company I particularly like are Coast Creative Joinery. More than just carpentry, having one of the South West's few CNC machines means the possibilities are pretty endless! From intricate fretwork to bespoke kitchen units, flat-pack and ready to go. Lovely colours and finishes. I would love to re-think my kitchen, I have s...