Art for the Soul

There is so much we have missed this last year, but today as I write finally May is glorious, finally the sun is warm and finally this feels like a little slice of normal. One thing I love about our county is the abundance of creatives, wonderful art and talented artisans. So, as galleries open up and exhibitions commence, here are a few places to go and feed your soul. Wheal Martin are celebrating the heritage of our clay country with an exhibition from contemporary artist Kurt Jackson. His works are vibrant and loose but with a real affinity to this man-made but beautiful landscape. Running until the 5th of September, find out more . Something a little different, ' Lights out for Darker Skies ' seeks to highlight the negative impact artificial light pollution can have on us and our environment. West Penwith have applied for International Dark Sky status and this exhibition involves stunning dark sky images, nocturnal wildlife footage and local artist collaborations. Only r...