Shining Light on Heligan

Something a little different! If you haven't visited The Lost Gardens of Heligan then you really should. It is a beautiful garden, well its different gardens really - all mesmerising in there way. The Victorian garden full of borders and interesting plants snugly walled gives way to woodland walks with an emerging giant from the ground. Then you wind your way through the orchard towards a tropical paradise that snakes over the water. So many different hauticultral personalities, there is something for everyone. This December, Heligan can be seen in an entirely different light. Internationally renewed light artist Ulf Pedersen will be transforming the gardens by night with his characteristically colourful displays. Ulf said he wanted to: “ …transform the act of looking into a physical experience - where audiences frequently find themselves immersed in a sensational play of light and colour as the space metamorphoses into something unique and magical.” ...