New eco-business bucks the trend

(L to R) Ecoco owner Abigail Billinge and Cornish Mutual Inspector Roger Hawkings viewing some of the products on sale at the new shop in Penryn. An eco-friendly start-up business in Cornwall is set to beat the credit crunch by opening a brand new shop selling organic and fair trade jewellery and clothing supported by South West insurance firm Cornish Mutual. Ecoco, based at Jubilee Wharf in Penryn, is the brainchild of 30 year old Abi Billinge who already runs her own on-line company, Absolution Saves. The shop, which opened earlier this month, is billed as a ‘showcase’ for a number of small, ethical Cornish businesses and products, including clothing made out of recycled plastic bottles from Penzance and recycled copper jewellery. Abi, Ecoco’s Creative Director, says: “Everything we do is about Cornwall and supporting local designer makers and retailers – I’m keen to champion new, different and interesting things happening on our doorstep. I wanted to show everything in one pla...